Happy eats

The origin of hamburgers?

Labskaus (1st photo), @hamburg style – a culinary specialty of Northern Germany comprising of salted meat, potatoes, onions, pickled gherkin and beetroot. Here it was served with fried eggs, pickled gherkins, red onion salad, beetroot and pickled herring. Tastes like a very well seasoned hash which went perfectly with the garnishes. Can definitely see this between two bits of bread or roll. Delicious!

(2nd photo) Loach 🐟 fillet in brick dough (like a pancake), with turnips and cress-mashed potatoes All enjoyed at Restaurant Deichgraf on Deichstrasse in Hamburg. 🤤🤤🤤🤤

#foodstagram #hamburg #localfood #germanfood #burger #foodie #holiday #bristolbloggers

(original post from Instagram)

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