About me

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A Chinese Brit  in Bristol – in search of happiness through her stomach.

Growing up in Hong Kong has served well in establishing my curiosity for the weird and wonderful varieties of food around the world. I just love to eat – from experimenting with recipes, to searching and trying the next eatery, I just love everything about food. Taste can be a fascinating album for your memories, both conjuring up happy ones from the past and creating new ones.

My cooking style

I would call myself an imprecise cook who places more emphasis on taste rather than presentation.  The aim of every meal I make is to satisfy the taste buds and tummy.  I frequently draw inspiration from cookbooks and recipes I come across but I don’t usually follow ingredients lists on recipes very closely and would add/subtract ingredients depending on what I have in the cupboard. Unless I’m baking, in which case, I will follow the recipes to a tee as the chemistry of baking needs to be a little more precise for the structures to work.

Things I like to cook

A mixture of western and Asian dishes but I also enjoy trying a variety of different cuisines.

I tend to cook things that I like to eat or ones that I think my other half will like to eat.  He allows me free reign in my cooking experiments and is also my chief taster and dishwasher. I would not be able to indulge in this hobby as much without his (mostly complaint free) acquiescence.  He does put up with a lot of my moments of madness of ‘let’s try making something very complicated for a weekday dinner‘ which I have tried to tone down on over the years and leave until the weekends when there is more time. Life is too short to not eat what you enjoy and there is no better way of cooking than making something that can bring a smile. 

Toddler friendly approach

With the more recent addition to our family, my cooking style has had to adapt to fit around the little one – not only in terms of limited time but also a slight change in what I cook. I’ve been trying to play with traditional recipes so that little additives are added, keeping the ingredients as natural as possible so the little one can also get to taste the exciting cuisines as healthily as possible. Baby and toddler food doesn’t need to be boring! 

I’ve noticed that if the food is tasty, our little one will eat it. So why not let them eat what we eat? We can certainly help our little ones appreciate food and hopefully, have a healthy attitude towards food growing up. But at the end of the day, the most important thing is – to enjoy your food and…

Happy eating!

From your aspiring gourmand (胃食妹)

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